Below are the slides from my first presentation at AgileTourToronto. This is a new one I prepared to communicate Agile to C-Level Management.

Agile Executive Briefing – Situational Assessment and 50,000ft view of Agile

The first part of this presentation is a situational assessment of typical challenges in IT project delivery using the SCRAP (Situation, Complication, Resolution, Action, Proof) model. This is essentially a business case for Agile. So if you are looking for ways to get buy-in for Agile, then this is a good place to start.

The second part of the presentation shows you what Agile is from 50,000 ft. From this high up, we’ll be covering the essential elements from a business and management perspective. We’ll cover what Agile is, what it does, how it works and what it achieves.

Each of the parts can be used independently so you may use the first part to get buy-in or the second part as a high-level introduction.

Slides on Slideshare